Find the artificial intelligence based software for radiology that you are looking for. All products listed are available for the European market (CE marked).
219/219 results
Nodule detection, nodule classification, volume quantification, growth calculation (prior study ...
This AI assistant supports radiologists with detecting, classifying and tracking the growth of pulmonary nodules. DeepHealth Lung Check (previously Saige Lung and Veye Lung Nodules by Aidence) integrates into the PACS and is currently in use ...
Radiologic finding detection, abnormality score, text interpretation
Lunit INSIGHT CXR is deep learning based software that assists radiologists or clinicians in the interpretation of chest x-ray (PA/AP). The AI solution automatically detects 10 radiologic findings ...
Fracture detection
AZmed has developed Rayvolve, an AI software that detects bone lesions on standard radiographs. Rayvolve is a SaaS product and is integrated into the radiologist's workflow.
MRI scan acceleration, MRI image enhancement
SwiftMR aims to accelerate MRI scans by up to 50% by enhancing low-quality initial outputs from accelerated scans. The deep-learning model improves SNR and resolution of MRI inputs, irrespective of ...
Iron concentration quantification, fat-fraction quantification, R2* quantification, liver volume ...
Breast density classification (ACR BI-RADS), real time image quality assessment, lesion and ...
Stand-alone AI system for assessment of mammographic breast density, real-time evaluation of image quality, lesion detection and mechanism for personalized suggestion of supplemental diagnostics.
Radiologic abnormal finding detection, textual report generation, worklist prioritisation
Carebot AI CXR is a deep learning-based decision support software that assists radiologists in interpreting chest X-ray images in AP/PA projection. It serves as a secondary reader of seven key ...
Classification of cartilage injuries according to ICRS, report generation
Brain segmentation, volume calculation, white matter hyperintensities quantification
QP-Brain is a medical image processing application intended for automatic labeling and volumetric quantification of segmentable brain structures and White matter hyperintensities (WMH) from a set of ...
Detection, quantification and grading of amyloid-related imaging abnormalities
The AI-based brain MRI solution allows for the automated detection and quantification of both ARIA-E (edema/sulcal effusion) and ARIA-H (hemorrhage/superficial siderosis). Using a unique longitudinal neural network, the baseline MRI is compared ...
Brain structure segmentation and volume quantification, multiple time-point analysis, white matter ...
Brain Health (previously Saige Brain and Quantib® ND) offers automated segmentation of brain structures and white matter hyperintensities. This machine learning radiology application provides insight into the possible presence of atrophy related ...
Breast cancer detection, abnormality score, 3D slice(s) selection showing the suspicious lesion(s)
Lunit INSIGHT DBT analyses 3D images from DBT to support diagnosis of breast cancer. Lunit INSIGHT DBT presents the 3D slice(s) on which a suspicious lesion(s) is best shown.