Find the artificial intelligence based software for radiology that you are looking for. All products listed are available for the European market (CE marked).
229/229 results
Midline shift measurement
Aidoc's midline shift algorithm is a quantification algorithm that automatically measures the farthest distance between the midline and the septum pellucidum of the brain. If the septum pellucidum is not aligned with the midline, it may indicate a mi
Central pulmonary embolism triage, prioritisation, notification
Aidoc's pulmonary embolism algorithm is a triage algorithm that alerts clinicians to the presence of one or more suspected pulmonary embolisms that are massive (high-risk), sub-massive (intermediate-risk) or low-risk acute pulmonary embolisms in the
Vertebral compression fracture, triage, prioritisation, notification
Aidoc's vertebral compression fracture algorithm is a triage algorithm that alerts clinicians to the suspected presence of vertebral compression fractures. This algorithm is run on chest and/or abdomen CTs with or without contrast.
Maximum abdominal aortic diameter measurement
Aidoc's Abdominal Aortic Measurement analyzes all contrast enhanced CT exams that include the abdominal aorta, finding the maximal abdominal aortic diameter, orthogonal to blood flow, and provides a reformatted key slice image containing the maximal
Detection of appendicular skeleton fracture, rib cage fracture, joint dislocation., elbow joint ...
TechCare Kids performs detection, measurements and bone age assessment in pediatric imaging. - Detection: Aims to identify abnormalities across the thoracic and appendicular skeleton pathologies in pediatric patients. - Measurements: Analyzes skelet
Measurement of the spine, including pevlic version, pelvic incidence, sacral slope, coronal ...
TechCare Spine performs measurements of the spine in osteoarticular radiographs. TechCare Spine outputs a measurement report. Moreover, it is EOS compatible.
Measurement of shoulder: critical shoulder angel. Pelvis: anterior coverage angel, HTE Angle, VCE ...
TechCare Bones performs measurements of several structures in osteoarticular radiographs, including the shoulder, hip/pelvis, leg, and foot. TechCare bones outputs a measurement report.
Detection in X-ray: pleural effusion, pulmonary nodules, pulmonary opacities, pneumothorax. ...
TechCare Chest aims to detect of thoracic abnormalities in X-rays and CT scans. TechCare Chest combines Milvue’s emergency chest X-ray solution with Coreline’s “aview LCS Plus” to support the interpretation of pulmonary CT scans. - Radiography: Ident
Detection of appendicular skeleton fracture, ribs cage fracture, joint dislocation, elbow joint ...
TechCare Alert aims to detect findings in emergency X-rays. These findings include: - Bones/Trauma: Fractures, dislocations, elbow joint effusion. - Thorax: Pneumothorax, opacity, pleural effusion, nodule.
PET lesions detection, quantification, and segmentation
PAIRE is a software as a medical device for PET-CT examination with FDG, highlighting lesions on the PET scan. It receives DICOM images from the PET-CT modality and computes new images. Then, it ...
Noise reduction of low dose CT
PixelShine is an algorithm for de-noising CT datasets supporting new CT protocols to drive patient dose down, while image quality is maintained. PixelShine may aid detectability of subtle pathologies ...
Vizualization of criticial brain pathology candidate findings, real-time results enabling MR ...
Cerebriu has developed Apollo, a protocol technology aimed at optimizing brain MRI scan acquisition and patient management. It exists of MR Smart Protocol and MR Smart Alert.MR Smart Protocol ...