Find the artificial intelligence based software for radiology that you are looking for. All products listed are available for the European market (CE marked).
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Bone age, Bone Health Index, Percent Adult Height
BoneXpert analyses an X-ray of a child's hand automatically, without any interference from a human. The main result is the Greulich Pyle bone age - TW2/3 bone ages can also be given. BoneXpert also ...
Bone age estimation, Growth Potential
PANDA sofware provides an automated method to estimate pediatric bone age, monitor child growth and development from digital X-rays of the hand.
Bone age based on GP and TW3 hybrid, bone age of key ROI, predicted adult height (Middle-Parental ...
10 radiological findings and measurements: LCE-angle, acetabular dysplasia, femoroacetabular ...
HIPPO supports the objective and standardized measurement of the most important hip angles based on digital x-rays. These include, for example, the CCD and LCE angles as well as numerous other ...