Find the artificial intelligence based software for radiology that you are looking for. All products listed are available for the European market (CE marked).
70/229 results
Brain parcellation, Atrophy quantification
It parcellates the brain into 100+ parts using 3D T1 non-contrast MRI and provides quantitative data describing volume, normative percentiles, and cortical thickness with color overlays. The solution ...
Brain structure segmentation and volume quantification, multiple time-point analysis, white matter ...
Brain Health (previously Saige Brain and Quantib® ND) offers automated segmentation of brain structures and white matter hyperintensities. This machine learning radiology application provides insight into the possible presence of atrophy related ...
Automated post-processing, leakage correction, automatic coregistration, automatic motion ...
Cercare Perfusion aims to solve two problems - slow perfusion imaging post-processing and difficult-to-read perfusion maps. Cercare Perfusion aims to improve radiology workflow efficiency and ...
Identification of suspected stroke lesions, LVO and ICH detection, automatic motion correction
Cercare Stroke is an AI-powered imaging solution for brain CT and MRI. Stroke parametric maps are based on perfusion maps from previous stroke cases providing decision support in treatment selection ...
Automated ASPECT score, visual localization information
CINA-ASPECTS is an AI-based automatic tool that aids the assessment of acute ischemic stroke. Beyond providing the ASPECT Score for both sides of the brain, CINA-ASPECTS provides an heat map ...
Brain region quantification, comparison to a normative database
Neuroreader® processes the MRI scans and provides a patient report with total brain volume, hippocampal volume and volumetric data on segments of the brain measured against a healthy database.
Detection of suspected intracranial hemorrhages.
Intracranial Hemorrhage detection, notification
The CINA-ICH solution provides automated detection and prioritization of acute intracerebral hemorrhage on non-contrast CT (NCCT).
MRI scan acceleration, MRI image enhancement
SwiftMR aims to accelerate MRI scans by up to 50% by enhancing low-quality initial outputs from accelerated scans. The deep-learning model improves SNR and resolution of MRI inputs, irrespective of ...
Large vessel occlusion detection, notification
Viz LVO uses artificial intelligence to automatically identify suspected large vessel occlusion strokes on CT angiogram imaging in your network and to alert your on-call stroke team within minutes.
Brain pathology detection, mobile notifications, worklist prioritization, report generation, ...
Head CT scans are a first line diagnostic modality for patients with head injury or stroke. qER is designed for triage or diagnostic assistance in this setting. The most critical scans are ...
CT Image denoising for any body part
ClariCT.AI is an AI-powered CT image denoising solution to provide increased image clarity in CT examinations with excessive image noise due to either low dose or large patient. It is trained to work ...