
AIRS Medical
SwiftMR aims to accelerate MRI scans by up to 50% by enhancing low-quality initial outputs from accelerated scans. The deep-learning model improves SNR and resolution of MRI inputs, irrespective of body part or vendor type.
Operating in DICOM format, SwiftMR receives assigned scans from connected MRIs and dispatches results to PACS. Installable via cloud or on-premise.
*Product coverage and supported types may vary by region depending on regulatory status.
Information source: Vendor
Last updated: March 3, 2025

General Information

Product name SwiftMR
Company AIRS Medical
Subspeciality Neuro, Cardiac, MSK, Chest, Abdomen, Breast
Modality MR
Disease targeted Not applicable
Key-features MRI scan acceleration, MRI image enhancement
Suggested use

Technical Specifications

Data characteristics
Population All population
Input 2D, 3D, T1WI, T2WI, PDWI, FLAIR, T2*WI, contrast, MR Angiography, MR Arthrography, MR Myelography
Input format DICOM
Output Enhanced MR images
Output format DICOM
Integration Stand-alone third party application
Deployment Locally on dedicated hardware, Cloud-based, Hybrid solution
Trigger for analysis Automatically, right after the image acquisition
Processing time 1 - 10 minutes


Certified, Class IIa , MDR
FDA 510(k) cleared , Class II
Intended Use Statements
Intended use (according to CE) SwiftMR is a stand-alone software solution intended to be used for acceptance, enhancement and transfer of brain, spine, knee, ankle, shoulder, and hip MR images in DICOM format. It can be used for noise reduction and increasing image sharpness for MR images. SwiftMR is not intended for use on mobile devices.


Market presence
On market since 01-2022
Distribution channels
Countries present (clinical, non-research use) 15
Paying clinical customers (institutes) 175
Research/test users (institutes) 83
Pricing model Pay-per-use, Subscription, One-time license fee
Based on Number of installations, Number of analyses


Peer reviewed papers on performance

  • Prospective Evaluation of Accelerated Brain MRI Using Deep Learning-Based Reconstruction: Simultaneous Application to 2D Spin-Echo and 3D Gradient-Echo Sequences (read)

  • Deep learning improves quality of intracranial vessel wall MRI for better characterization of potentially culprit plaques (read)

  • Deep Learning-Based High-Resolution Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) Generation Model for 4D Time-Resolved Angiography with Interleaved Stochastic Trajectories (TWIST) MRA in Fast Stroke Imaging (read)

  • Deep learning–based reconstruction for acceleration of lumbar spine MRI: a prospective comparison with standard MRI (read)

  • Highly accelerated knee magnetic resonance imaging using deep neural network (DNN)–based reconstruction: prospective, multi-reader, multi-vendor study (read)

Non-peer reviewed papers on performance
Other relevant papers