DR AI-assisted Bone Fracture Detection

HY Medical
The AI tool detects and localizes bone fracture from plain X-ray film in hands, feet, wrist, shoulder, hip, ankle, femur, hip, pelvis, ulna, radius, tibia and fibula.
Information source: Vendor
Last updated: Oct. 31, 2023

General Information

Product name DR AI-assisted Bone Fracture Detection
Company HY Medical
Subspeciality MSK
Modality X-ray
Disease targeted Bone fracturese in hands, feet, wrist, shoulder, hip, ankle, femur, hip, pelvis, ulna, radius, tibia and fibula
Key-features Fracture detection and localization
Suggested use

Technical Specifications

Data characteristics
Population Patient suspected of bone fracture
Input 2D X-ray
Input format DICOM
Output Image with bone fracture annotations (bounding box)
Output format DICOM
Integration Integration in standard reading environment (PACS), Integration RIS (Radiological Information System), Integration via AI marketplace or distribution platform, Stand-alone webbased
Deployment Locally on dedicated hardware, Locally virtualized (virtual machine, docker), Cloud-based
Trigger for analysis Automatically, right after the image acquisition
Processing time 3 - 10 seconds


Certified, Class IIa , MDD
FDA No or not yet
Intended Use Statements
Intended use (according to CE) Assist the radiologists to identify the suspected fracture area.


Market presence
On market since 05-2020
Distribution channels deepcOS
Countries present (clinical, non-research use)
Paying clinical customers (institutes)
Research/test users (institutes)
Pricing model Pay-per-use, Subscription
Based on Number of installations, Number of analyses


Peer reviewed papers on performance
Non-peer reviewed papers on performance
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