Find the artificial intelligence based software for radiology that you are looking for. All products listed are available for the European market (CE marked).
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Automated measurements include 2-dimensional (cardiac volumes, all 4 chambers of the heart), M-mode ... supports cardiovascular disease diagnostics by providing machine learning based solutions that analyze and interpret echocardiograms, which are ultrasound images of the heart, creating patient ...
Automated nodule recognition, quantification and visualization of sonographic features, risk ...
AmCAD-UT® Detection gives physicians a tool to process ultrasound images for sonographic characteristics that assist in making diagnostic decisions. AmCAD-UT® Detection uses statistical pattern ...
Lesion/nodule segmentation, lesion/nodule classification, auto-population of lesion/nodule ...
Koios DS is a software application designed to assist trained interpreting physicians in analyzing breast and thyroid ultrasound images. Koios DS software automatically classifies breast lesions ...
Ejection Fraction, Left Ventricle global and segmental strain, Left Ventricle segmental wall ...
LVivo AI Cardiac ultrasound analysis solutions provide objective cardiac ultrasound images analysis, aimed at mitigating the challenges of manually capturing and visually analyzing ultrasound images.
Ventricle volume analysis, ejection fraction, strain, worksheet generation
EchoGo Core is the automated solution for cardiovascular findings – calculating Ejection Fraction, Global Longitudinal Strain and Left Ventricular Volumes.
Risk prediction, automated segmentation
Outcomes-based AI system that predicts coronary artery disease.
Bladder volume segmentation and quantification
LVivo Bladder transforms any ultrasound device, on-premise, into an AI-powered bladder scanner to measure bladder volume in one click.